Our staff has extensive experience implementing pavement management systems tailored to agency requirements, maintenance and rehabilitation activities, as well as budgetary constraints. These systems meet the Government Accounting Organzation’s (GAO) GASB 34 modified requirements for agencies to budget for their maintenance and rehabilitation activities to maintain targeted levels of performance. The implementation includes an inventory of the existing roadway network and associated characteristics sectioned into manageable units, inspection of roadway condition, development of performance models to allow the prediction of future condition, maintenance and rehabilitation treatment selection, and budgetary analysis. Once implemented, agencies are able to evaluate the impact of fluctuating budgets on the overall pavement network condition to meet the expectations of their constituents.
Our staff has experience manually evaluating pavement condition as well as utilizing automated data collection vehicles equipped with a range of profilers, different imaging systems, and GPS. We have assisted agencies determine their data collection needs and provided quality control of pavement data collected by numerous vendors. If you are having trouble getting answers from your pavement management system, please contact us for how we can assist you get the most out of your pavement management system.
Pavement Management Updates
Our staff has assisted agencies update their pavement management systems. This has included the inspection of roadway condition, updating performance models, incorporating new maintenance and rehabilitation treatments, and preparing updated budget analysis. These updates may require updating the roadway inventory for new construction and residential development, updating past maintenance and rehabilitation activities, as well as unit costs for maintenance and rehabilitation treatments.
If you are planning to update your pavement management system, please contact us for how we can assist you get the most out of your pavement management system.